Animations for the campaign #SomosExtraordinarios, 
presented by GÜITIG, a mineral water brand from Ecuador.
These animations tell the remarkable stories of
and Niels Olsen during the quarantine in Ecuador.

Juan Carlos Ordónez created a "ghost kitchen" to sell traditional Ecuadorian food from his restaurant "La Alcaldía".

Cristina Morrison organized a virtual festival to raise funds for Galapagos residents to return, called "Galapagos Music Fest."

Niels Olsen, owner of the "La Danesa" farm, created a virtual store to sell products from the farms close to his.

Dedicated to all #GuitigLovers


Making of

Agency: Nobox
Script: Nobox
Animations, illustrations and concept by: Javier Pérez (cintascotch)

Follow me on Instagram for more illustrations and animations.
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